Training Workshops

Training Resources for the foster/adoptive community

**An invitation to the Team
Child Portfolio Manual
Let the Fight be Healed
Parenting from a Distance
**RAD the team approach
**The Traumatized Parent: Parenting the Traumatized Child 
Recapture the Joy- Healing for the Traumatized Parent 
Attachment Theory and Treatment: What are the differences and how do you choose?
Crisis, loss, and trauma of the biological child in adoptive families
Crisis & trauma of the primary care-taker in foster/adoption
Systems of Care in the 21st century: Collaboration or competition
Trauma-informed Care
The adrenaline addiction & trauma connection
Tailored Workshops


Mental Health Training

Integrative Trauma Interventions 


Building Blocks of Parenting -6 Week 

Recapture the Joy Series 7+ weeks


When Trauma Comes to Church

Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Training: A faith-based perspective

Church Related Sexual Assualt and Abuse

Sexual Grooming of the Minor Child

Where in the World is the Church When Disaster Invades?

** Trainings from the foster/adoptive community that would benefit the faith community


All workshops are trauma-informed